It's always gotta be something...
I think there's something more obvious I could be talking about now, but I'm not really planning on talking about it all that much, honestly (nothing to really say). No, on this very day, the car saga has continued (and, very subsequently, ended). My car... he is very ill....
Okay, just kidding. Some weird shit happened while I was getting myself all parked when I got home, didn't think anything of it, and the next morning, about to go to work, my car wouldn't start! Quite a few things about how it went down indicated to me that it was likely just the battery, but I just bought the thing. How annoying. Got a tow to the maintenance shop after too much trouble with AAA. Got a call back maybe an hour later that it was just the battery was a bit loose, likely from all the other maintenance I'd had to get done (these folks have got to be a bit tired of me, they see me like once every couple of weeks). They just got it in nice and tight, and now my car is back to normal.
Anyways, I ended up not being able to make it to school or work, so I took a nap after getting it all sorted out.
In the morning, I had seen this post on Tumblr:

Hey, also, all the anarchist shit aside, tomorrow I want you to make something.
I forced myself to draw something after the 2016 election. I forced myself to draw something when my mother died in 2018. I forced myself to draw something when my spouse was hospitalized for multiple organ failure in 2021.
When you are miserable, make something. Add a row to your project, bake a box cake, draw on a sheet of lined paper, write a poem on a napkin, fold an origami shirt out of a dollar bill, make your favorite recipe for dinner, but make something with your hands, something that you can hold and look at engage your senses in.
It won't fix the world, but it will change the world. You will have made something that didn't exist before. You will have impacted your reality, even in a very small way. And it is going to be something you made after. Something bad happened, something shook you, and you made something after, in spite of it.
When I read it initially, I thought about it pretty passively I think. For the past few months, I've kinda had this gnawing thought that, like, I used to really like writing a lot, why don't I do that again? It always feels like I'm too busy to do much of anything, though, but seeing it reminded me, maybe I could do that. The night before, I had incidentally decided to just sit down and write for a while, but I felt so stuck with it, like I was crawling through mud, but when I took a nap yesterday, I had a dream about it. Something about that made something click for me, and somehow, at least today, I've felt very liberated.
I also finally bought a new watch -- I finally decided on a Casio F-91W. It's almost kinda ridiculous it took me so long to pick out a new watch and it ended up only costing me, like, $20. Anyways, being able to actually know the time whenever I want, wherever I'm at, has already drastically improved my life. I also bought a compass. I got in, like, a few too many situations that would have been improved by my having a compass. I also went and shopped around for one for so long, I almost forgot the very event that first prompted me to start looking at them was getting lost in some woods right after getting engaged. It's been almost a year now. I'm, like, married lmao.
Anyways, I wasn't really going anywhere with all this. I just felt like yapping for a little bit today. I'm pretty tired though, I finally finished my homework, I'll probably get to bed soon now.
Good night :)