ARTIFICIAL_ANGEL - I've updated my website! Here's what I've done

I've updated my website! Here's what I've done

September 14, 2024

I've been working on this all week, so I'm gonna probably make this pretty brief.

I updated my about page with more up-to-date information, including links to my current social media (I'll post about this later) and an UPDATED EMAIL ADDRESS. Please email me. I will love you forever. Send me photos of your pets or give me music recommendations.

I also have a page that I'm workin on that was something I was wanting to do on Cohost and tested out for a while, so I moved it all onto here. I have no other links to it on the site, but here's a sneak peek at what it looks like. I plan to add pagination and uhhh... styling... and its own RSS feed at a later date. For now, I'll continue posting these around the same time I post them on Cohost until I can't post them on Cohost anymore. I thought I'd at least publish it so I don't feel like I've done all this work and managed to get nothing out there lol.

I have more life updates. I got a car and I like it a lot. I worked a bunch on my audio library, which I was in the process of working on last week, but I've taken a break for a bit to work on some other things. If you want updates on that before I make my writeup, I've talked about it on Mastodon quite a bit recently, so it shouldn't be hard to find a lot of information on my account about it. I'll relay all of that here later.

Anyways, as always, thanks for reading :)