ARTIFICIAL_ANGEL - I'm back! This is what I've been up to.

I'm back! This is what I've been up to.

June 19, 2024

Not going to be a long update, hopefully, although a lot of things happened. At least one or two of the things prevented me from writing anything on here!

My car got stolen!

Yes, I had a Kia. No, I won't be getting another. They're great cars. I'd just love keeping my car, my car's windows, and getting approved for car insurance. It's been a frustrating process. I like to think I've gotten my one big bad thing happening out of the way early this year, but this is the second car I've gone through this year. I'm looking for a new one still. It's kind of exciting! Though, it'll definitely not be as nice as my previous car, I'm hoping it'll at least look less stealable :p

I changed operating systems!

I've finally ditched Windows – too much headache for me. I've switched to NixOS. It's been so much more convenient to use for the most part! The learning curve is worth it, especially considering what I was dealing with previously…

Though, I did have a few hiccups.

  • It took me forever to get my graphics drivers working. This was mostly because 1) I don't know how to read and 2) my computer is a lot older than I like to think it is.
  • I had some issues getting this blog to rebuild. I fixed that by manually reinstalling all the packages, so now it works just fine.
  • Can't play Destiny 2 or Elden Ring :( (Don't worry, I've got a plan for this one).

I've been distracted sifting through my music collection

Last time I went to visit Oklahoma, my mom gave me basically the remaining bit of the family music collection, so now I've got my stuff AND everything my family has amassed in the past 20-30 years, and I'm in the middle of the slow process of ripping, organizing, and writing the metadata of all that. It's a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun. I remember doing this stuff when I was a kid. Actually, I mostly enjoyed burning cds so I could listen to them at school on music day and at lunch, but I'm older now and I think just the organization process is relaxing. Also, having an excuse to listen to stuff I don't usually listen to, older stuff from the collection I haven't really thought about in a while. It's been nice. But also, I haven't spent a lot of time doing much else. I'd like to do some studying in preparation for next semester (actually, I'm really excited about doing another karuta competition in the spring, I can't say my motivation has been doing well in school… but I hope studying at least helps with that too). I've also played a lot of video games too, of course. And quite a bit of reading (I'm currently reading Thousand Autumns Volume 4 – I feel very normal about it jsyk).

Anyways, hopefully I'll have a more peaceful rest of the summer.

Later <3