Dancing Cockroach



Alastar Gabriel

About 12 years ago, I started writing a blog. It was really just a way to talk about some of my more niche interests without getting on my family's nerves, but now I have this cute little archive of who I was over the years, so that's neat. For about three years now, I've wanted to get back into just talking about myself and my stuff in general -- I'm a pretty private person for the most part, but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk about the things that interest me -- but I kind of felt like everything I've done since then is half-baked or not worth talking about at all. Anyways, here's the most viewed post on my old blog:

My Mom Caught A Mole (2012/8/5)

Yup. She just saw it and decided to pull it up out of the ground. I got to see him. SO CUTE!!!!!

Now, I really don't know where I developed this idea that I have to have some kind of blog theme from, but I really did just kind of write about whatever. I had, like, some software tutorials on there and a bunch of singing synth stuff. In my drafts, I had a log of all my troubles building a massive text generator.

Last week, I told one of my friends that I was working on this, and it told me "I give it 2 months before you forget all about your blog". I've been doing this for 12 years. BET.

Anyways, let me catch you up on what I've been doing for the past few years.


In 2020, I wanted to make a pure Lua text-to-speech library. I went down a bit of a rabbit hole and ended up writing my own audio library. I'm in the process of removing all my code from github, so you unfortunately can't look at it, but I'll have it back up somewhere eventually (and hopefully by then I will have fixed some of the issues with it). I also made the text-to-speech library, but it's pretty irrelevant. Here's what I ultimitely did with it:

Webcomic stuffs

I started working on a webcomic forever ago called "What Did I Have For Breakfast", about a girl who can't remember what she had for breakfast. It is currently nowhere to be read (work in progress), HOWEVER, here is a small taste of what you might see when I start posting it in 20 years:

Karin & her hot dad sitting at the dining room table, chilling

I do plan on eventually doing update logs, but I'm busy enough as it is right now with school and all...

Random art or whatever


Cornelius in the Family Guy death pose next to a cracked egg

Mr. Boogers (sexy country boy):

A space alien in a straw hat, flannel shirt, and cowboy boots captioned "Mr. Boogers. Get off my damn farm"

Some wizards I think (idk, I don't remember making this but it's in my new art folder):


I'm sure there's more stuff I'm forgetting, but I don't feel like thinking too hard about it right now. I'm always doing something. Maybe next time I do something, I'll remember to write about it? At least now, I feel like I'll have a proper start, now that I'm "all caught up" on posting my last 3 years of lore (everything I missed will come up when relevant, I'm sure).

Until next time :)